We installed the London show quite carefully and in Venice hoped to recreate it as faithfully as possible by retaining the same groupings of work, set around common domestic features. Obviously the rented venue is not a neutral, white, gallery space, so we had quite a challenge.
Adapting quickly to the space with minimum fuss and funding was central to the Travelling Light 'wash & go' remit, so while we had to move a lot of furniture and pictures, many things had to stay put: the immovable, black, ornate piano; huge, dark, wooden bookcases; enormous desk and gigantic sofas. These were all considerable competition to the art works themselves. We also had to make use of the existing wall fixings and use as much white tac as possible. It was at this point that we realised how mental we were to take all this on!
Overall though, many aspects worked out well: the marble mantle piece mirrored the WW Gallery hang, the 8 metre tall book shelf was an effective backdrop for the paper sculptures and the large windows overlooking the fragrant back garden provided the perfect frame for Eleanor Moulsdale's evocative performance piece.
Looks great! Well done guys! I think items like the gorgeous piano and the fireplace work really well with the works and Eleanor Mousldale's performance piece looks equisite in the window.