Considering the vast numbers who attended, there was relatively little trashing of the space on Friday night, so thank you all for being careful around such delicate works! But, apart from burning rubber, there are a couple more incidents we forgot to mention:
1) Two Venice Viagra Bars were 'removed' from the exhibition, we have scanned the photos for bulging pants in an attempt to identify the culprit(s), but no luck...In all seriousness, this was pretty low, the artist David Rusbatch now has to make the work again for Venice, unless the bars are returned to WW - you know who you are, so please drop them through the letterbox, no questions asked.
2) On Saturday morning, the cleaner did an excellent, thorough and careful job of returning the gallery to pre-pv, pristeen status. So thorough, that she inadvertently removed part of Kate Davis' work 'Still Waiting After All These Years 1'. Thinking a careless visitor had left their cigarette to burn out on someone's work, and, with the sensitivity of an art restorer, she meticulously removed the butt and every trace of ash without disturbing the perfect pool of red nail varnish or the half lemons... so, some conceptual decisions were made, or she would have removed the lot! The mortified cleaner has been reassured that she is in good company...as Damien Hirst, Joseph Beuys and Gustav Metzger have all had similar domestic scrapes. Kate's work is now happily reinstated for your viewing pleasure!
hmmm, the cleaner mistook the art work for ordinary trash